6 Reasons Divorce Is Better Than Being Unhappy In An Unhealthy Marriage 😨
Admin diciembre 14, 2024BlogComentarios desactivados en 6 Reasons Divorce Is Better Than Being Unhappy In An Unhealthy Marriage 😨102 Views
Many couples would rather die slowly in a failing marriage than consider separation. Infidelity, lies, manipulation are factors that can destroy a relationship and lead a marriage to ruin. And the reasons that push the partners to continue living together are numerous and specific to each one.The complicity of the beginnings crumbles, the skirmishes are amplified and life becomes impossible, it is the luck of marriages that goes wrong. Patience is no longer relevant and communication is no longer on the agenda. Some react in some way, trying at all costs to put the pieces back together, because they do not accept failure and defeat.
Others because they are afraid of loneliness and of coming face to face with their suffering, which is what they fear the most, but the love is gone and will never come back. And with good reason, the lack of communication, the distance that grows, the passion that flies away, the motivation fades and the discussions become sterile.
But is it worth living a life without love?
The most sensible will say no and goodbye; for them divorce is therefore the only alternative that remains healthy and they make this choice out of sheer conviction. Why stay together if it’s to be unhappy? Separation becomes possible and even a solution to end the discord, anxiety and suffering they generate.
Freedom, once found, opens the door to many opportunities.
1 – That of claiming one’s own well-being, which one has neglected many times to the detriment of the other. A failed marriage is a source of much torment, generating emotional pain and mental health disruption. Let go of all this suffering and open the door to reconnect with ourselves.2- That of recovering the happiness of being oneself and getting rid of the toxic words of the ex-partner. Considering divorce is a better prospect than limiting yourself to a relationship where one is devalued, controlled by the smallest actions and words.
3 – To see your children happier. The latter, by too often attending disputes, even domestic violence, seem even more unhappy. Some couples think that they can stay together for the sake of the children, but often the opposite effect occurs.4- Taking care of your health by devoting your time and energy to improving your physical and mental performance. Exercise, follow a balanced diet and lose weight when necessary. Investing in yourself is the best decision you can make.5- Paying attention to their appearance and physique. The desire to seduce again encourages the single person to dedicate special moments to their beauty routine. Apart from the aesthetic aspect, self-confidence is also boosted and we are prepared to take the hair of the beast.6 – That of finding the right partner, without sinking into the period of loving mourning. Because the latter, when it takes a long time, can be dangerous and make you lose the confidence of finding a new love, as recommended by Florence Escaravage, creator of the «Florence Method in 5 steps».It’s all about raising your head and the sooner you do it, the better. The fear of suffering more can prevent us from acting, so it would be good to get rid of negativity and have an open mind, putting aside the demands and letting ourselves be moved by a beautiful love story in the making.